• 8th Oct 2016

New visas being introduced in Australia

  • Australian Visa and Passport (Visareporter) (Visa Reporter)
On 19 November 2016, the new visa subclasses would allow applicants to enter Australia for temporary work or a specified activity.
Mosiqi Acharya
7 OCT 2016 - 11:11 AM  UPDATED YESTERDAY 11:58 AM
The Australian Government has proposed new temporary activity visa framework which it plans to implement from 19th November 2016, subject to approval by the Governor-General.

From 19 November 2016, there would be four new visa subclasses:

  1. Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa
  2. Subclass 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) visa
  3. Subclass 407 Training visa
  4. Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa.

The new framework is designed to make applying for a temporary visa easier. It would reduce red tape for business, industry and individuals by removing sponsorship and nomination requirements for specific short stay activities.

This means, applicants will be:

  • able to lodge visa applications online through ImmiAccount
  • a single sponsorship (temporary activities sponsor) would replace six existing sponsorship types (long stay activity, training and research, professional development, entertainment, special programme and superyacht crew)

On 19 November 2016, the new visa subclasses would allow applicants to enter Australia for temporary work or a specified activity.

Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to:

  • undertake short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
  • in limited circumstances, participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interests.

Subclass 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis:

  • in relation to a bilateral agreement
  • to represent a foreign government or to teach a foreign language in an Australian school
  • to undertake full-time domestic work for a diplomat
  • as a person with statutory privileges and immunities
  • to participate in the Seasonal Worker Programme.

Subclass 407 Training visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to undertake occupational training or participate in classroom based professional development activities.

Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to:

  • work in the entertainment industry
  • participate in a non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an Australian organisation
  • observe or participate as an academic in a research project
  • undertake full-time religious work
  • participate in a special programme to enhance international relations and cultural exchange
  • participate in high-level sports (including training)
  • work in a skilled position under a staff exchange arrangement
  • participate in an Australian government endorsed event
  • work as a superyacht crew member
  • undertake full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives.

The following diagram shows the proposed new temporary activity visa framework in more detail.

Temporary activity visa framework changes


(Source: SBS News 07 October 2016)

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